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Comedian Leslie Jones ‘Definitely’ Likes To Be Considered For ‘Daily Show Host

The comedian Jones is unveiling the cap solely with PEOPLE, Jones tells that upon cracking it open, fans can predict to look over her upbringing and widespread life journey
Comedian Leslie Jones 'Definitely' Likes To Be Considered For 'Daily Show Host ( Photo by:

The comedian Jones is unveiling the cap solely with PEOPLE, Jones tells that upon cracking it open, fans can predict to look over her upbringing and widespread life journey.

The comedian Jones is unveiling the cap solely with PEOPLE, Jones tells that upon cracking it open, fans can predict to look over her upbringing and widespread life journey

Comedian Leslie Jones ‘Definitely’ Likes To Be Considered For ‘Daily Show Host ( PHOTO by:

Leslie Jones Would Love To Bring Hosting

The Comedian, a 55-year-old funny and presenter guest-hosted three episodes of the Comedy Central show early this year, coming after the withdrawal of Trevor Noah, and is better than keen to replenish his shoes full-time job.

Talking to Public, she said: “It was one of those in-the-pocket fits. You know how when you earn fitted for a suit and you’re like, ‘Yeah, this suit looks nice on me. Jones pointed out her experience working with The Daily Show crew as “not chaotic” and “not stressful,” placing in that it was “like chatting to old companions.” Comedian Leslie Jones pursued the guidance of associate comedian Chris Rock, 58, before her term.

‘Ghostbusters’ celebrity declared: “He said, ‘Don’t try to be Jon Stewart. Don’t try to be Trevor. Be you. Be who you are “I already have kind of figured out that, but you know how you merely need possibly a short authorization to do that? So that’s indeed what it existed.” Trevor, 39, hosted by the satirical news show from 2015 to 2022.

READ ALSO: When Asked About Leaving The “Daily Show,” Trevor Noah said, “I wish someone had told me what a grind it was.”

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