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118th Congress GOP and DNC Lawmakers Weighing Pros and Cons of AI Development

118th Congress GOP and DNC Lawmakers Weighing Pros and Cons of AI Development
GOP and DNC lawmakers weighing pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence AI d0evelopment. There seems to be some agreement among lawmakers in the bitterly divided 118th Congress on artificial intelligence. (AI). (Photo by

GOP and DNC lawmakers weighing pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence AI d0evelopment. There seems to be some agreement among lawmakers in the bitterly divided 118th Congress on artificial intelligence. (AI). Following a startling warning from executives in the tech business, many have stated they would like to see some sort of regulation to control the quickly developing industry.

Democrats and Republicans coalesce around calls to regulate AI development: 'Congress has to engage'

There seems to be some agreement among lawmakers in the bitterly divided 118th Congress on artificial intelligence. (AI). Following a startling warning from executives in the tech business, many have stated they would like to see some sort of regulation to control the quickly developing industry. (Image courtesy of

A hearing on the “pros and cons” of AI technology was convened by Sen. Gary Peters, chair of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.

Senator Michael Bennet suggested that, “in the long run,” an institution be set up to guide the largely unregulated simulated intelligence sector. However, for the time being, the representative argued that these organizations should oversee themselves. Sen. Bennet sent a letter to pioneers in the technology industry last week, urging them to consider the safety of children when developing computer-based intelligence frameworks like chatbots.

Similar advice was given by Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, who noted that he co-led legislation in the previous Congress that sought to impose additional restrictions on the development of AI.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., who has been a leader in the fight against Big Tech, asked Congress to take control of the situation over on the House side. Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, however, dissented from his fellow senators in order to warn them against acting before fully comprehending the complex technology.

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“Pros and Cons” of Artificial Intelligence AI Development.

A world with more intelligence is embracing artificial intelligence. AI is assisting in the development of sophisticated automation systems that can free up human time for useful tasks. Therefore, we will analyze the many advantages of AI in this section of the pros and cons of AI.

Artificial intelligence-enabled machine creation is quite expensive. A large-scale project can have costs that reach the millions of dollars. As a result, small enterprises do not have the opportunity to deploy AI. Due to the features, functionality, or scope with which an AI project is built, the cost of development may be significant for businesses with high revenues as well.

Artificial intelligence may lead to some job losses in addition to job creation. This is a major disadvantage of artificial intelligence. It will create positions for people with technology skills and replace low-skilled occupations.

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