In the upcoming reality TV series “28 Days Haunted,” four teams of ghost hunters visit some of the most haunted places. Official Synopsis “Four...
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In the upcoming reality TV series “28 Days Haunted,” four teams of ghost hunters visit some of the most haunted places. Official Synopsis “Four...
This fall, Zoe Saldana will make a comeback to Netflix with the release of another program called From Scratch. The essential information about the...
Netflix has purchased The Stranger, a gripping Australian thriller that debuted at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year and will be available on...
The conclusion of this year’s revised Halloween trilogy, Halloween Ends, is almost here, although it is unclear whether Michael Myers will die in it....
Netflix is still able to produce a variety of shows that aim to seize a sizable portion of the streaming audience. It seems obvious...
A psychiatric ward is where Daniele, a 20-year-old man, wakes up following a strange episode in the upcoming drama “Everything Calls for Salvation,” with...
Even though the show is called The Bachelorette, season 19 offers an intriguing twist in that there are actually two women looking for love....