Did you ever actually feel like you keep running into folks who share your zodiac sign? Because zodiac sign affinity varies, you may find yourself instinctively drawn to particular astrological character traits. However, it’s possible that this tendency is due to the fact that certain signs have more people who are born under them than others. You might be surprised by the most popular zodiac signs.
According to data compiled by FiveThirtyEight, which looked at the number of births in the United States from 1994 to 2014, birthdays do not appear to be evenly spread throughout the year. In fact, the most popular birthday (September 9) has nearly about double number of children born as the least popular (Dec. 25). Which implies you’re not the only one if you can name a lot of early-September Virgos off the top of your head but can’t think of any Capricorn Christmas wonders.
Fun fact: The three most frequent zodiac signs have back-to-back astrological signs seasons, which means the majority of birthdates are concentrated inside a three-month period. That could explain why you’ve noticed you’ve been buying more birthday cards, sending more birthday SMS, and attending more birthday bar crawls this summer (spoiler alert).
Learn the 3 most common astrological signs without further ado.
The Most Popular Zodiac Signs
The months of late June to late September, which are dominated by the astrological symbols of Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, are the most popular months for birthdays. That means there are more grumpy Cancers, attention-seeking Leos, and critical Virgos in the world than any other zodiac sign! While Leo is the most prevalent sign, it is followed by Cancer and Virgo, with a little difference between them. Given the near-tie, as well as the fact that the sun changes star signs at different times each year, it’s impossible to say how many borderline zodiac sign babies were born in either sign’s region. So, until birth data takes into account the sun’s astrological situation, we’ll have to settle with a tie among our top three. Regardless, a large number of baby horoscopes fall in the summer.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Since Cancer is an introspective water sign, you might not have realized that we had a swarm of these inconspicuous but powerful crabs strewn across our beaches. Cancer phase is the astrological sign that welcomes in the summer season, as well as the busiest birthday season of the year. According to studies, more infants are born in the summertime than at any other moment of year, so it’s only natural that we’d see many people who were born during Cancer’s emotional zone. While two Cancer season days (July 4 and 5) feature among the year’s 20 least common dates, the continuously high birth counts during the remainder of their astrological span more than compensate for those lows.
Cancers are the zodiac’s most soothing sign, so seeing several of them among us increases our common sense of security and emotional maturity. This sign excels at making others feel protected and cared for, so having an abundance of them feels nice. Nobody can complain about being pampered and coddled by Cancer, who is gentle, sensitive, and reassuring.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
Did you think the dazzling Leos would settle for anything less than the best? Although this regal zodiac sign does not influence the top 10 birthdays list, it still controls more than a quarter of the list of 100 most common dates of birth, ensuring its place at the top. Many Leos are likely to have been born during the chilly and festive winter holiday season, when many of us are preparing for the next season and reconnecting with loved ones over Thanksgiving weekend.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
Nine of the top 10 leading birth dates fall inside Virgo season, and all nine of these Virgoan birthdates happen between September 9 and September 20, a week and a half. This suggests that many of these infants were born in December, during the cold and flu season, when most of us are holed down at home with our companions celebrating the holidays. It’s no surprise that baby-making season is so popular!