Families of those who are handicapped and unable to work may get payments from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
Social Security Disability Insurance
People who are receiving SSDI benefits may be eligible for their own monthly payments, as well as their wives, children, and even ex-spouses. Each eligible family member may receive up to 50 percent of the benefit received by the handicapped beneficiary.
The overall amount paid to the entire family, however, is often limited to 150 percent of the handicapped person’s compensation. As you create or alter an estate plan, think about engaging with a financial counselor, according to an article published in Smart Asset.
In order to qualify for SSDI, a person must have worked and paid Social Security taxes on their earnings, but they must also have either been disabled or passed away before to turning 62, the age at which they may start collecting normal Social Security payments. Depending on their job and income history, the amount of the monthly benefit to which they are entitled varies.
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Members of the Family Who Will Qualify
Once a person is eligible for SSDI benefits, his or her family members can also be eligible. Family members who could be eligible include:
- A spouse, if aged 62 or older
- A spouse of any age who is taking care of one of the children who is disabled or under age 16
- One of your children who is younger than 18, or younger than 19 and attending high school, including adopted children and sometimes stepchildren and grandchildren
- An unmarried child 18 or older who has a qualifying disability that began before age 22
If you are receiving SSDI benefits, your former spouse can also be eligible for payments. Your SSDI benefits will not be impacted by any SSDI payments made to a former spouse. And not all former partners can acquire them. The separated partner must:
- Have been married to you for at least 10 years
- Not currently married
- Be at least 62
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