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New York Giving Millions to Artists To Rebuild Communities, See How To Apply


The State of New York has introduced a program that aims at providing employment and universal basic income to artists living in this state. The program will help artists earn an income whilst helping to ‘re-design, re-build and beautify the state’.  Let’s take a look at this new program by examining its formation, funding, and the two individual initiatives respectively. Without any further delay let us begin.


The CRNY Program Explained

The Creative Rebuild, New York program was launched in Spring 2021 as part of the Reimagine New York Commission. This program makes these two new initiatives possible. As the online report states, the program is made possible through a $115 grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Furthermore, an additional $5 million has been supplied by the Ford Foundation and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

Furthermore, the CRNY program aims at providing employment or, at least, universal basic income to all types of artists living in the state of New York. The report makes it clear that an artist is to be defined broadly to include both artistic and cultural role-players. This, according to the CRNY website, includes a wide variety of applications. In this list is artistic activities such as dance, literary arts, media arts, theater, performance arts, and traditional arts.

The Artist Employment Program

As stated by the report, this program aims at hiring some 300 artists in the state of New York. In addition to this, they should receive an annual income of $65,000 from this program. Artists will help local communities whilst still having time to dedicate to their usual work. Working in collaboration with these communities, they will help enrich and support such communities. In this light, local community initiatives will be sponsored by the CRNY program to support local artists in this collaboration.  Artists in New York can apply for either program.

The Guaranteed Income for Artists

Lastly, the Guaranteed Income for Artists program, as the article makes clear, aims at supporting struggling artists in the New York state. Furthermore, this program aims at providing $1,000 in guaranteed income every month to roughly 2,400 artists in the state. According to a news report in Go Banking Rates, it will run for 18 months.

Applications for both of these initiatives or programs opened earlier this year on February 15. The deadline is March 25, 2022. Eligible applicants can apply for either one-two of these programs.




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