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Texas News

New Texas Law Mandates, Foods made from Aborted Babies have Clear Labels

A Texas Republican introduced a bill in the state senate requiring the clear labeling of any food containing “aborted human fetal tissue,” but one federal agency says this is not necessary.

State Senator Bob Hall, who represents Texas District 2, which includes counties located roughly between Tyler and Dallas, introduced the bill. It’s just one of the hundreds of bills that legislators have already submitted for the 88th Texas Legislative Session, which began on January 10. If it passes, it might become law.

According to Senate Bill 314, before a food item may be marketed, it must be “clearly and conspicuously labeled” if it contains, is produced with, or was used in research that included “tissue, cells, or organs acquired from an aborted unborn child.”

Hall stated in a statement: “Unfortunately, many Texans are unintentionally eating goods that either includes human fetal parts or were made using human fetal parts.” While other people might not care, many Texans who hold strong religious or moral values would disagree with using or consuming these things.

A representative for the Food and Drug Administration stated that the Food and Drug Administration does not even permit the sale of foods containing human tissue in the United States and that no such product meant for animal or human consumption even exists.

The legislation also suggests that medical and cosmetic items containing fetal tissue from abortions be appropriately labeled. If the measure is passed into law, manufacturers of vaccinations and drugs that are examined on fetal cell lines before being given to humans will have to follow the rules.

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