In the upcoming reality TV series “28 Days Haunted,” four teams of ghost hunters visit some of the most haunted places. Official Synopsis “Four...
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In the upcoming reality TV series “28 Days Haunted,” four teams of ghost hunters visit some of the most haunted places. Official Synopsis “Four...
Ghostwriter’s third season continues the exploits of Ruben, Chevon, Curtis, and Donna as they deal with the Ghostwriter’s difficulties and cooperate to unravel his...
This fall, Zoe Saldana will make a comeback to Netflix with the release of another program called From Scratch. The essential information about the...
Chloe Grace Moretz plays a gamer who unintentionally discovers London, 70 years in the future, in the upcoming film The Peripheral, which will be...
The Green Glove Gang, a new crime-comedy series on Netflix, just debuted its official trailer. The series will be in Polish, but based on...
The world premiere of Notre Dame, a new limited series drama that takes place the night the iconic cathedral in Paris caught fire, has...
The most recent dating social experiment on Netflix is back. Almost. Here is what we currently know about the upcoming third season of Love...
Netflix has purchased The Stranger, a gripping Australian thriller that debuted at the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year and will be available on...
All aspiring anti-heroes and heroes are invited. Enrollment in the School for Good and Evil is about to begin. The School for Good and...
Unsolved Mysteries is returning for Volume 3, so better get your case files open and start taking notes. In a sequence of three weekly...