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Sentences of Federal Judges, New York Man who Tried to Kill a Judge, Former Presidents Obama and Trump, and Others

A guy from western New York who has previously been found guilty of threatening to murder two presidents will suffer an additional 10 years in prison.

After admitting guilt to seven charges of making threats against federal authorities, including the then-president, a judge, the judge’s family, and a secret service agent, Jared Marc Brown, 26, of Lockport, was given a 10-year jail term on Thursday.

According to court documents, on March 25, 2019, Brown wrote a letter to a U.S. Secret Service Special Agent stating his intention to murder then-President Donald Trump.

According to court records, Brown, imprisoned at the time, said in the letter, “I’m going to kill Donald Trump with Anthrax when I get out.” The judge who ruled over the case that led to Brown’s arrest was also threatened by Brown that day. Brown had also addressed more threatening letters, including one that allegedly contained anthrax, on July 11, 2019, and once more on November 1, 2019.

According to a statement released Thursday by the Western District of New York U.S. Attorney’s Office, Brown “wanted to attack and kill United States District Judge Lawrence J. Vilardo, his wife, and the United States Secret Service Special Agent.” “Brown threatened this office in connection with a previous case. Judge Vilardo heard that case, and a Secret Service Special Agent looked into it.


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