Monthly Payment Applications of $400 Will End Next Week, Here’s What To Do And How To Claim The Money!
Chelsea Eats targets to give aid ranging from an amount of $200 to $400 for those who are struggling with daily expenses such as food in Chelsea, Massachusetts. In addition to this, the UBI program will give aid during the rising energy cost this winter.
According to a published post by The US Sun, the program Chelsea eats already gave off money to 2,000 households from November 2020 to August 2021. The second phase of the program opened the second week of December and will end accepting applications at noon on the 6th of January.
Just remember that only a small number of people will be eligible for this phase and the paychecks will only be given for three months.
• must be a Chelsea resident.
• must have an income lower than 30% of the AMI (Area Median Income).
• children must be under 18.
• person with a disability.
• veterans
• senior citizens aged 65 and older.
• Families who aren’t qualified for other forms of assistance from the Government.
• Families with a woman-identifying head of household.
• Families with a member self-identifying with a minoritized/marginalized gender identity.
How To Apply?
Applications are open online through the website of city or at the City Hall.
Check out for several languages available.